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Event Security and Safety

“experienced, international, at all scales and aspects“

Whenever international stars plan on going on a world tour or stage an individual show or event, they need comprehensive tour planning and a precise analysis of venues and locations under all aspects of safety, public and individual.

Event Risk- and Safety Management are an integral part of any planning of any event or big scale staged performances of arbitrary size. In more than 35 years of experience with staged events and the touring industry, we can rely on an impressive array of specialists and experts to cover any size and character of event in sports, entertainment or promotional respect.

Our line of services includes advisory teams analyzing the desired location or site. It also covers all components such as promoters ́ structures, touring-production and management requirements, and specially designed solutions to meet the artists personal demands. Needless to mention, this is ought to be realized in accordance with public safety standards and requirements for the respective country or state where the event is being scheduled. These often can differ significantly and therefore require an individual focus and insight knowledge.

An important ingredient in any event or tour planning is the local event-staffing structure and technical-support. We also offer to control the budget under economical and cost- efficiency perspectives. Our Security Directors are involved in the early planning process of the scheduled tour or event-dates, to ensure a prompt and professional feedback when hiring i.e. local support staff or emergency response services. These mark a substantial position in any local production cost balance-sheet. For that we can proudly refer to the trust and confidence of promoters and major artist ́s managements alike, - since more than three decades, and with global exposure.
•  More than 35 years of global experience in staged events
•  Exceptional clientele
•  Highly trained staff
•  Extended technical support
•  Worldwide network of partners and reliable sources